Friday, August 23, 2013

Collector or Curator? Becoming a Social Connoisseur

It used to be that you were a wine or art collector to be considered a connoisseur. These curators of their personal taste and beauty would search for pieces that fit a collection they would be proud to show off to their friends. Picking what went into their collection wasn’t easy, because it had to fit a certain rule set to showcase the very best. The very act of curating was an art form unto itself. True discerning curators never just share their physical objects; They share the stories behind them, about why each object was hand picked and the personal connection they had with the object that makes each share come alive. Continue reading...


  1. Zara Zakiah membantu anda untuk sambung belajar di luar negara pengajian doktor oversea serta
    hala tuju lepas spm bagi pelajar jurusan sains.

    Jom lanjutkan pengajian medic mesir anda sekarang!

  2. Cara untuk hilangkan pedih ulu hati
    Tanda sakit jantung yang anda perlu tahu hari ini.
